Thank you for adding your voice

Spread the word

Share this campaign with friends and get them involved too. Use the #IamWithYou
hashtag, by itself or together with #CloseTheCamps, #BringThemHere and #PermanentProtection, to get the word out.

Thank you for adding your voice, if you have not done so, please add your voice at the #IamWithYou Campaign.

World Refugee DayLend Your VoiceDownload PostersVolunteer

Lend Your Voice on
World Refugee Day

Add Your Voice and your support on Twitter and Facebook by signing up to our Thunderclap campaign. Thunderclap is a crowd speaking platform that uses the power of the crowd to amplify our message and maximise our social reach. Thunderclap is a tool that lets a message be heard when we say it together. Think of it as an “online flash mob.” Join our Thunderclap campaign, and you and others will share the same message at the same time, spreading the word that people seeking asylum and refugees matter through Facebook, Twitter so that it cannot be ignored.

A campaign of 500 supporters has the potential to reach over 25 million people. Help us reach our goal of just 100 supporters, and sign up for our thunderclap over Twitter, Facebook or both. Add your voice now at thunderclap.
Watch this video to Learn more about Thunderclap.

Add #IamWithYou
Thunderclap widget to your site

Add the thunderclap widget to your website, to promote the campaign on your website. Simply embed the link on our thunderclap page or paste it on your website. The widget will look like this. Help us spread the word.

Place a poster and
Update your social media profiles

Place a poster on your local community notice board, home, business or car window before June 20 to mark World Refugee Day. You can download the poster here. You can also update your social media profile pictures and cover photos to show your solidarity. You can download the Twitter profile picture here and the cover photo here. You can download the Facebook profile picture here and the cover photo here. Share this campaign with friends and get them involved too. Use the hashtag
#IamWithYou to make your voice count.

Volunteer your time

You can also help the #IamWithYou campaign get noticed by becoming a digital volunteer for this campaign, or if you want to give practical help to people seeking asylum, write to us. We have a list of organisations all around Australia that need your support. Every little contribution helps us make the lives of people seeking asylum just a little better. But to do it we need your support, so come on, start now, by adding your voice. Please contact us to find out more.